Are you a web developer, admin, IT Pro, Leader,…
Date of creation
10/16/2024 2:00 PM
Understand how the CAN SPAM Act impacts your…
Date of creation
11/28/2023 6:00 AM Video credits
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
Bridget Lee-Calfas
Liz Smith
Erin Knowles
During this town hall, Campus Email service team…
Date of creation
12/12/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
Ron McGettrick Contributors and team members
Eric Frahm
Ron McGettrick
One-third of all work
emails that require…
Date of creation
11/9/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
This town hall is the first discussion about a…
Date of creation
7/19/2022 5:00 AM Video credits
Eric Frahm Contributors and team members
Eric Frahm
Here's why people aren't reading your…
Date of creation
4/22/2022 5:00 AM Video credits
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
Consistent branding is important to establishing…
Video credits
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
If you're sending marketing emails, be sure…
Date of creation
9/17/2020 5:00 AM Video credits
Judy Mae Bingman
Eric Frahm, Technology Services(Slide deck is…
Date of creation
11/12/2020 6:00 AM Contributors and team members
Eric Frahm
Managing your inbox while
responding to a…
Date of creation
4/17/2020 5:00 AM Video credits
Strong, Dena L
Taylor, Marc D
This video guide shows you how to open a shared…
Contributors and team members
Bobbie Riley
You must have an active University of Illinois…
Contributors and team members
Bobbie Riley
You must have an active University of Illinois…
Contributors and team members
Bobbie Riley
Joe Brumleve will discuss best practices