Search for tag: "cloud"

Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries Tutorial

Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries Tutorial for the Teaching & Learning digital media subunit

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From  Business eLearning Digital Media 9 plays 0  

Campus Cloud Delivery - Town Hall - 12-12-2022

During this town hall, Campus Email service team members announce the new vendor for Cloud Emailer service and take questions about the service, the implementation timeline, and configuration.

From  Rob Watson 22 plays 0  

University of Illinois System & AWS _ Lunch & Learn No.3

Title: UIHealth Journey to AWS Speaker: Jeff Link, IT Manager Description: UIHealth’s exploration to AWS. (Driving forces were management exploration to move to AWS based on…

+1 More
From  Jyotika Sirohi 12 plays 0  

Cloud Emailer Service Town Hall

This town hall is the first discussion about a new vendor platform for the Cloud Emailer Service. The service provides a solution for university personnel to send trusted email from infrastructure or…

From  Rob Watson 51 plays 0  

Lunch & Learn No.2 | UofI- AWS | AWS Experiences for NCSA's CILogon

Title: AWS Experiences for NCSA's CILogon Speaker: Jim Basney, Principal Research Scientist Cybersecurity Division, National Center for Supercomputing Description: CILogon is an identity…

+3 More
From  Jyotika Sirohi 15 plays 0  

Microsoft Cloud Storage: OneDrive & SharePoint Online

Microsoft Cloud Storage: OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online Level 100In this new hybrid work environment, interchanging between office and home for work, you can create, view, edit and share…

+1 More
From  Judith Geistlinger 97 plays 0  

IT Pro Forum: Serverless in the Cloud : A Cost Perspective Session

Presented by: Ken Taylor, University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignThis talk will examine the cost of serverless technologies in the cloud based on the lessons learned from the COVID data…

+6 More
From  ITPF Zoom4 12 plays 0  

6C - Cloud Advisory survey results - obstacles to cloud adoption - Spring 2021 IT Pro Forum

Presented by: W. Jason Strutz, Library; Josh Henry, College of ACESThe Cloud Advisory Subcommittee, working with a Gies Action Learning Team, distributed a survey on obstacles to cloud adoption in…

+5 More
From  ITPF Zoom3 3 plays 0  

Upcycled Apps: Adapting Existing IT Resources for Nontraditional Use Cases - Fall 2020 IT Pro Forum

Kathy Walsh, Materials Research Lab (Slides are available under the Attachments tab.) Nontraditional software needs can often be addressed by creative, DIY adaptation of IT resources already…

From  ITPF Zoom4 0 plays 0  

Migrating Workloads and Databases to the Cloud - Workshop - Fall 2020 IT Pro Forum

Nathan Farris; Mike Botte Looking at your existing on-prem workloads and databases to determine which make the most sense to keep on-prem and which make the most sense to move to the cloud. Once you…

From  ITPF Zoom5 6 plays 0  

4A - State of Cloud Platforms at Illinois - Joshua Mickle, Kevin Bird, Tom Grissom, Spring 2020 IT Pro Forum

Overview of the current state of Cloud Platform services from Technology Services

+2 More
From  Mark McCarthy 9 plays 0  

Welcome new students : Webstore services

Welcome new U of I students. Find all the software you need for your projects, coursework, and research at WebStore. Over 350 software products are available to University students for free or deeply…

From  Courtney McLearin 49 plays 0  

Storm Demo

Indy Gupta

From  Indranil Gupta 127 plays 0  

New Adobe CC Login Process

The University of Illinois has renewed our Adobe Creative Cloud Agreement. There are some very exciting and important changes as a result of this agreement renewal. The most notable change is single…

From  Courtney McLearin 389 plays 0  

Save Money on Software at the U of I WebStore

Learn how to navigate the U of I WebStore to save money on software.

From  Courtney McLearin 9 plays 0