Search for tag: "remote learning"
Lining Up for Success: Coordinating Effective Teaching and Learning StrategiesStudent learning strategies work best when there is strong alignment with instructor teaching strategies. Explicit attention to Bloom's Taxonomy, by instructors when they use Backward Design and…
From Jim Wentworth
3,203 plays
Meeting Teaching Needs in a Pandemic - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumCraig Jackson, Technology Solutions (ISU); Jeff Grabb, College of Business (ISU); Carla Birckelbaw, Technology Solutions (ISU); Chandra Smith, College of Applied Science & Technology(Slide deck…
From ITPF Zoom3
6 plays
November 5th 2020 Parent-Teacher distance learning workshop2: Bordese, Guzman, Suarez-GuzmanTaller virtual en español para educadores (padres y maestros) en tiempo de pandemia: "Estrategias y sugerencias para educadores y padres en tiempo de pandemia"
From Kasia Szremski
8 plays
October 29 2020 CLACS K-12 Series: Taller virtual en español para educadores (padres y maestros) en tiempo de pandemia v.1Dra. Norma Scagnoli (Assistant Dean for Education Innovation & Chief Learning Officer, Gies College of Business) presents: Aplicaciones para motivar una participacion activa en clases remotas.
From Kasia Szremski
16 plays