Search for tag: "book"
From the Vault: Star Wars 1975 | May 6, 2021The massive collections of UI's Rare Book & Manuscript Library include a significant collection of film and television scripts, storyboards, press kits, and more. Dr. Cait Coker shared…
From Spencer Keralis
44 plays
C-U Herb Society Meeting on February 3, 2021 "A Visit with Herbals from the University of Illinois Rare Book Library"Professor Lori Newcomb, a C-U Herb Society member and an Associate Professor of English at UIUC, gave a presentation titled A Visit with Herbals from the University of Illinois Rare Book Library.…
From Satomi Wakita
4 plays
Opening the Black Box: A behind the scenes look at the digitization of the University of Illinois' Hōrai no makimonoThis video describes the process and rationale for the digitization of the Hōrai no makimono, a 17th century Japanese scroll in the Nara emaki style. The scroll is a textual and illustrated…
From Steven Witt
253 plays
Norma I. Scagnoli - Abriendo Caminos Hacia Prácticas Educativas InnovadorasNorma I. Scagnoli (Ed) (2018) Book Presentation Presentación del Libro - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, 2018 "Este libro es una invitación para pensar y reflexionar juntos sobre…
From Norma Scagnoli
109 plays