PILPILCO: Hilando Huellas/ PILPILCO: Spinning the Traces (Español)Since 2020, a group of women from Lota, from the Biobío region, Chile, under the auspices of the Mesa Ciudadana de Patrimonio, Cultura y Turismo de Lota (Citizen Board of Heritage, Culture,…
From Magdalena Novoa Echaurren
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Director: Javier Correa; Producer: Vicente Fernandez; Editor: Cristina Vieragallo; Scritp: Magdalena Novoa and Javier Correa: Original idea: Magdalena nOVOA
Daniela Morales; Mesa Ciudadana de Patrimonio de Lota, Pilpilco en el Corazon, Recuperacion Pilpilco |
November 9th 2020 Roundtable Chile ICLACS Roundtable: ′′Analyzing the Results of Chile's Oct. 25 Plebiscite on the Constitution/ Analysis of the results of the constitutional plebiscite in Chile"Moderator: Julieta…
From Kasia Szremski
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8 plays
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