Search for tag: "computational topology"
May 3: Maximum flows in surface mapscirculations, boundary circulations, real-homology, flow homology basis, feasible boundary circulation iff no negative cycle in dual map, flow homology polytope, implicit linear programming,…
From Jeff Erickson
35 plays
Apr 28: minimum cutsDuality with minimum-weight homologous even subgraph, homology in surfaces with boundary (forest-cotree and tree-cofrest decompositions), Z2-homology cover, minimum-weight homologous cycles (MSSP…
From Jeff Erickson
21 plays
Apr 26: Homology and short interesting cycles IIHomology, continued: crossing numbers, cohomology, cosnargles, systems of cocycles, homology annotations Shortest interesting cycles, continued: Sketch of parametric MSSP, sketch of recursive…
From Jeff Erickson
20 plays
Apr 24: Homotopy testing (part 2)Homotopy testing continued: universal cover, discrete Gauss-Bonnet, Dehn's lemma, greedy improvement, radial map, system of quads, (spurs and brackets, run-length encoding)
From Jeff Erickson
18 plays
Apr 21: Short interesting cycles and homology (part 1)Shortest interesting cycles: Contractible vs separating, simplicity, 3-path condition, shortest-path crossing, O(n^3) time, dual cut-graph classification, O(n^2 log n) time Homology: Even subgraphs,…
From Jeff Erickson
24 plays
Apr 19: Planarizing and separating surface mapsMenger's theorem, systolic bounds, multicycle separators, depth contours, planarizing subgraphs of size O(sqrt{ng}), separators and r-divisions
From Jeff Erickson
8 plays
Apr 14: Homotopy testing (part 1)Homotopy testing, contractibility, reduction to a system of loops, lots of interruptions
From Jeff Erickson
14 plays
Apr 12: Tree-cotree infrastructure 1Cut graphs, homotopy, crossing and traversal paths, spike and face (bigon and vertex) moves, systems of loops, cycle spaces
From Jeff Erickson
13 plays
Apr 7: Surface classificationKerékjártó-Rado theorem, tree-cotree decompositions, systems of loops, handles, twists, Dyck's surface, final classification, Euler characteristic
From Jeff Erickson
21 plays
Mar 31: Surface maps2-manifolds, polygonal schemata, cellular embeddings and rotation systems, orientation and genus, band decompositions, reflection systems, deletion and contraction
From Jeff Erickson
18 plays
Mar 29: Planar circulations and flowsCirculation and flow definitions, boundary circulations, Alexander numbering, feasible circulations dual to shortest paths, max flow by binary search, sketch of O(n log n)-time max-flow via…
From Jeff Erickson
16 plays
Mar 24: Shortest paths (continued) and minimum cutsShortest paths: Monge arrays, SMAWK, FR-Bellman-Ford Minimum cuts: shortest cycle in dual annulus, MSSP, Reif's divide-and-conquer algorithm
From Jeff Erickson
19 plays
Mar 22: Planar shortest pathsDense distance graphs, generalized nested dissection, sketch of FR-Bellman
From Jeff Erickson
20 plays
Mar 10: Separators and r-divisionstree separators, fundamental cycles, level separators, cycle separators, good r-divisions
From Jeff Erickson
18 plays
Mar 8: MSSP by recursive contractionproperly shared edges, contraction, distance queries, contraction sharing, total vertices at each level is O(n)
From Jeff Erickson
26 plays
Mar 1: Multiple-Source Shortest Paths 1shortest paths, slacks, active darts, pivots, disk-tree lemma, dynamic forest data structures
From Jeff Erickson
28 plays
Feb 24: Maxwell–Cremona correspondence...or “Maxwell almost discovered both planar graphs and Voronoi diagrams” — planar frameworks, force diagrams, reciprocal frameworks, polyhedral lifts,
From Jeff Erickson
43 plays
Feb 22: Tutte’s spring embeddingsTutte drawings, convex embeddings require 3-connectivity, physical intuition via springs, outer face is outer, halfplanes induce connected subgraphs, no vertex has all neighbors on one line, line…
From Jeff Erickson
19 plays
Feb 10: Planar graphs and planar mapsAbstract graphs (darts), topological graphs, data structures, embeddings, maps, rotation systems, duality, derived maps
From Jeff Erickson
25 plays
Feb 8: Unsigned Gauss codesWinding numbers again, Alexander numbering again, smoothing, unsigned Gauss code planarity, parity (Gauss, Nagy), tree-onion figures (Dehn), bipartite interlacement (Rosensteihl)
From Jeff Erickson
20 plays
Feb 3: Generic closed curvesImmersions, image graphs, homotopy moves, Steinitz's contraction algorithm, $n$ vertices implies $n+2$ faces, signed Gauss codes, Gauss diagrams, tracing faces
From Jeff Erickson
18 plays
Feb 1: Shortest homotopic pathstriangulation, crossing sequences, reduction, the funnel algorithm, holes for free!
From Jeff Erickson
29 plays
Jan 27: Faster homotopy testingtrapezoidal decomposition, horizontal and vertical ranks, rectification, bracket slides
From Jeff Erickson
15 plays
Jan 25: Multiple obstaclesHomotopy testing: crossing sequences, reduction, uniqueness, homotopy invariance again
From Jeff Erickson
26 plays