Search for tag: "krannert center for the performing arts"

The Creation of Virago-Man Dem: Research, Collaboration, and Exploration

Explore the creative process behind Cynthia Oliver's Virago-Man Dem. This mini-documentary focuses on a work from Oliver, a Bessie Award-winning professor of dance and the Associate Vice…

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From  Andy Blacker 242 plays 0  

1969 KCPA Outside Goodwin Ave crop copy

A Thumbnail Version of this 1969 KCPA picture from Goodwin Avenue

From  Donte Winslow 25  0  

1969 KCPA Outside Goodwin Ave

A Picture of the Krannert Center for Performing Arts from Goodwin Avenue in 1969

From  Donte Winslow 44  0  

Performing Arts Center Press Conference, July 24, 1964 - Digital Surrogates from the Performing Arts Center Press Conference, Tape Recording, Series 2/12/11

Digital Surrogates from the Performing Arts Center Press Conference, Tape Recording, Series 2/12/11 Performing Arts Center Press Conference, July 24, 1964 Digital audio of the July 24, 1964, press…

From  University Archives 25 plays 0  

Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 1965 ~ Audiovisual Digital Surrogates from the University Videotapes, Series 39/1/15

Audiovisual Digital Surrogates from the University Videotapes, Series 39/1/15 Krannert Center for the Performing Arts President Henry's Discussion of Krannert Center, ca. 1965.Krannert Center…

From  University Archives 53 plays 0  

Abraham Lincoln in Song: Chris Vallillo

A performance that tells Lincoln's story through a combination of narrative, storytelling and music. Chris Vallillo, an Illinois State Scholar, former archaeologist turned musician and…

From  Joel Steinfeldt 39 plays 0