00:51duration 51 seconds
Dark Energy Survey to Large Synoptic Survey…
Dark Energy Survey to Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Sky Coverage Comparison
A comparison of the sky coverage of the Dark…
01:49duration 1 minute 49 seconds
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Model and Planned…
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Model and Planned Network
Funded in part by: National Science Foundation…
01:24duration 1 minute 24 seconds
Dark Energy Survey Sky Coverage and Image Zoom
00:46duration 46 seconds
The Fornax Cluster Imaged by the Dark Energy…
The Fornax Cluster Imaged by the Dark Energy Camera
01:10:50duration 1 hour 10 minutes
NCSA Software Meeting - 2016-09-12 Tim Jenness -…
NCSA Software Meeting - 2016-09-12 Tim Jenness - Jonathan Sick, LSST
Tim Jenness, Data Management Deputy System…