Search for tag: "politics"
November 9th 2020 Roundtable Chile ICLACS Roundtable: ′′Analyzing the Results of Chile's Oct. 25 Plebiscite on the Constitution/ Analysis of the results of the constitutional plebiscite in Chile"Moderator: Julieta…
From Kasia Szremski
8 plays
The sound of politics_lkuchar2_attempt_2020-10-06-09-34-48_The sound of politics10/05/2020 10:32pm-10:33pm In the recording, you hear the car go from a pole hole ridden asphalt road, to a cobble stone road at also has random blocks of cement to fill the holes…
From Michael Silvers
6 plays
Pakistan: A Continuing Crisis, An Uncertain Future"Pakistan: A Continuing Crisis, An Uncertain Future Dr. Stephen P. Cohen Co-sponsors: Center for Global Studies (CGS), Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS),…
From Nathan Sonnenschein
0 plays
Pakistan: A Continuing Crisis, An Uncertain Future"Pakistan: A Continuing Crisis, An Uncertain Future Dr. Stephen P. Cohen Co-sponsors: Center for Global Studies (CGS), Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS),…
From Nathan Sonnenschein
1 plays
CLACS Lecture Series 10.5.2020 Dr. Keyanah NurseDr. Keyanah Nurse (History) presents: Black Exodus: Liberalism, Military Conscription, and Racial Formation in the Late Nineteenth-Century Rio de La Plata *note: due to an unforeseen technical…
From Kasia Szremski
18 plays
Theoretical Tea and Company with Dr. Janice Marie Collins, A Conversation on Race with Jane Elliott Part 2Internationally-known race educator, Jane Elliott, has a conversation with Dr. Janice Marie Collins on Race Part 2
From Janice Collins
13 plays
Theoretical Tea and Company with Dr. Janice Marie Collins, A Conversation on Race with Jane Elliott Part 1Internationally-known race educator, Jane Elliott, joins Dr. Janice Marie Collins in a Conversation about Race Part 1
From Janice Collins
36 plays