Search for tag: "sapora symposium"


Former Illini basketball star and All-American Tal Brody discusses his career in the United States and Israel, and the effect sport can have on international and interpersonal relations.

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From  Richard Detzner 36 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With former Illinois assistant basketball coach Mark Coomes

Vince Lara speaks with former Illinois assistant coach Mark Coomes, the nephew of the late Lou Henson. Coomes talks to us about Henson's legacy on and off the court, and his work as a pioneer in…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 131 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With Lars Anderson

At the Sapora Symposium on the campus of the University of Illinois, former Sports Illustrated writer Lars Anderson discusses his book about Red Grange, the Illini football star who helped validate …

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 35 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With Alan Nathan

At the Sapora Symposium, University of Illinois emeritus professor of physics Alan Nathan speaks with College of Applied Health Sciences media relations specialist Vince Lara about his research on…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 44 plays 0