Search for tag: "software"
Unlocking Success in Microsoft Teams: A Strategic Approach to Design & EngagementWorkshop description: In today's digital workplace landscape, Microsoft Teams has become an indispensable tool for collaboration, communication, and productivity. However, merely adopting Teams…
From Sydney Flowers
9 plays
API Exploration with Hoppscotch.ioNuts and Bolts is a periodic, informal, and optional project demo / show and tell / cross training session of the Identity, Privacy, and Cybersecurity (IPC) unit of Technology Services at Illinois. …
From Edward Delaporte
7 plays
Integration testing with Robot FrameworkNuts and Bolts is a periodic, informal, and optional project demo / show and tell / cross training session of the Identity, Privacy, and Cybersecurity (IPC) unit of Technology Services at Illinois.
From Edward Delaporte
8 plays
Career Conversation: Johnathan Rush, Geospatial Software Engineer, Element 84Gamma Theta Upsilon welcomed CyberGIS Center veteran Jonathan Rush back to U of I to discuss his work as a geospatial software engineer at Element 84 ( This…
From Michael Minn
3 plays
Subsetting Data in RHow to subset data in R using the select and filter functions from the dplyr packages.
From Justin Pierce
5 plays
Saving Data in RHow to save data in R to various file formats: SPSS (.sav), STATA (.dta), Excel (.xlsx) and .csv files
From Justin Pierce
1 plays
Reading in Data and Familiarize self with DataHow to read data into R from an SPSS (.sav), a STATA (.dta), an Excel (.xlsx) and a .csv file. Also covers basic ways of familiarizing yourself with your data.
From Justin Pierce
7 plays
Introduction to Frequency Table ExerciseFrequency Table Exercise Part 1: Create a frequency table for who intended to vote in 2016. Part 2: Create a crosstab with the variable from part 1 and who did vote in 2016.
From Justin Pierce
1 plays
Introduction to Re-coding Variables ExerciseRe-coding Variables Exercise Part 1: Create a new variable for "Does intend to vote?" Create 3 categories: "Yes", "No" and "No Response" Part 2: Create a new…
From Justin Pierce
0 plays
Introduction to Merging Data ExerciseMerging Data Exercise Merge the state population data as done with the ANES and FIPS codes data.
From Justin Pierce
1 plays
Welcome new students : Webstore servicesWelcome new U of I students. Find all the software you need for your projects, coursework, and research at WebStore. Over 350 software products are available to University students for free or deeply…
From Courtney McLearin
50 plays
Illinois Solar Decathlon x WebStore (1)WebStore is a proud sponsor of Illinois Solar Decathlon, an RSO dedicated to creating innovative and sustainable houses for the annual Solar Decathlon competition. Learn more about the team and how…
From Courtney McLearin
4 plays
Armando Sanchez-Monsivais WS.V2Armando Sanchez-Monsivais describes his experience working with U of I WebStore.
From Courtney McLearin
90 plays
Software Spotlight: The NDS Labs WorkbenchNCSA develops and/or contributes to quite a bit of software across its various groups. The newly formed Scientific Software and Applications (SSA) division attempts to bring these endeavors together,…
From Michael Miller
6 plays
Save Money on Software at the U of I WebStoreLearn how to navigate the U of I WebStore to save money on software.
From Courtney McLearin
9 plays
Welcome to PLATO / Born Digital Records, Digital Surrogates and Audio Visual Digital Surrogates from the Stanley Smith Papers, Series 15/5/50Born Digital Records, Digital Surrogates and Audio Visual Digital Surrogates from the Stanley Smith Papers, Series 15/5/50 Welcome to PLATO Digitized video concerning PLATO (Programmed Logic for…
From University Archives
39 plays
Kaltura Media Engine Update - 3 November 2016Kaltura Media Engine Update - 3 November 2016 IT Pro Forum 2016 This is the first part of the talk, the last 25 minutes were an overview of CaptureSpace, a media creation tool. CaptureSpace was…
From Drew MacGregor
118 plays
Bill Gates on Computer Science and InnovationThe man who founded Microsoft appeared at Illinois in 2004 as part of a tour of a select few college campuses across the nation, encouraging students to consider software development as a career. But…
From Joel Steinfeldt
118 plays