Adobe Spark provides a simple interface to edit short videos. Learn to add photos, videos, and music to create engaging, informative videos.
Date of creation
4/29/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Beth Peralta
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
Emily Steele
Carissa Nelson
All Extension offices have access to a free Canva Pro account for designing flyers, social media, and other graphics. It also has a simple video application. Check out this easy-to-use drop-and-drag…
Date of creation
4/29/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Carissa Nelson
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
Emily Steele
Beth Peralta
Microsoft Video Editor is on all Extension computers. In 5 minutes, you'll be up and editing your own videos. Presenter: Emily Steele
Date of creation
4/29/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
Emily Steele
Carissa Nelson
Beth Peralta
In this video we will demonstrate how to add Chapters and enrich your content by adding a single or multiple slides using the Timeline.
You've shot the video; now what? This training focuses on three plug and play applications for editing your video
content. Beth Peralta discusses Adobe Spark. Carissa
Nelson reviews…
Date of creation
4/28/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Judy Mae Bingman Contributors and team members
Judy Mae Bingman
Emily Steele
Beth Peralta
Carissa Nelson