A designer's job is to be
creative day in and day out. Sometimes we lack motivation or inspiration, but
we still have to do our job. That is why designers have a process we can depend
on. This process can work for anyone with any problem to solve. Gretchen
Wieshuber will share: Reasons to be more creative. The 5-step creative process.
Examples of creative thinking. Creativity killers—avoid these. Creativity
triggers—embrace these. The creative process works for designers, executives,
programmers, artists, and entrepreneurs. It can be applied in your personal
life as well.
Gretchen Wieshuber is a
graphic designer and owner of Studio 2D. She has a BFA from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and teaches Typography at Parkland College. She is
a member of the Executive Club of Champaign County, Leadership Illinois, and
the Champaign Urbana Design Organization. She is also a SCORE volunteer.
Recorded on Jan 28, 2015.
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