Search for tag: "algorithms"
∞. Final Exam ReviewLogistics Read the questions Pareto-optimal points Separating points with parallel lines Rooted subtree search Nesting boxes Escape wiring Elmo and Daisy play cards badly
From Jeff Erickson
147 plays
26. Splay trees and the dynamic optimality conjectureSplay trees Amortized time via potential function Access Lemma ⇒ O(log n) amortized time per splay Generalized Access Lemma ⇒ static optimality What is a "dynamic BST"? Geometric…
From Jeff Erickson
56 plays
25. Online algorithmsWhat are online algorithms? Example: paging The lost cow problem Exponential search is 9-competitive Randomizing first step direction: expected competitive ratio 7 [Kao, Reif, Tate}: Randomizing…
From Jeff Erickson
67 plays
24. LP duality and the simplex algorithmLP duality: swap roles of matrix constraints and variables Weak duality theorem: cx ≤ yAx ≤ yb Physical interpretation of optimal dual solution Vocabulary: basis, location, value, feasible,…
From Jeff Erickson
104 plays
23. Linear programmingDefinition of linear programming Example: Maximum flows Geometry: Lowest point in a convex polyhedron Infeasible and unbounded LPs Canonical (standard inequality) form Example: Shortest paths as a…
From Jeff Erickson
164 plays
22. Minimum cost flowsMinimum-cost circulations Cycle cancelling Minimum-cost flows Feasible then balanced then locally optimal Successive shortest paths: feasible and locally optimal then balanced
From Jeff Erickson
126 plays
21. More applications and extensionsMinimum vertex cover Project selection Non-zero balances Lower bounds on edges
From Jeff Erickson
116 plays
20. More applications of maximum flowGeneral strategy Scheduling final exams Tuple selection Disjoint path cover in dags Cycle cover in directed graphs
From Jeff Erickson
163 plays
19. Midterm 2 reviewhashing collisions leaves in treaps Thomas the Tank Engine gets COVID cyclic shifts of strings
From Jeff Erickson
140 plays
18. Applications/extensions of maximum flowEdge-disjoint paths Undirected graphs Vertex capacities and vertex-disjoint paths Maximum bipartite matching The Jacobi-Berge alternating path algorithm (aka Ford-Fulkerson)
From Jeff Erickson
207 plays
17. Maximum flow structure and algorithmsDefinition review Ford-Fulkerson Bad example with integer capacities Really bad example with irrational capacities Decomposing flows into paths and cycles Good augmenting paths: fattest and shortest
From Jeff Erickson
161 plays
16. Maximum flows and minimum cutsDefinition of maximum flows Definition of minimum cuts The maxflow-mincut theorem Easy direction: follow the inequalities Harder direction: Residual graphs Ford-Fulkerson
From Jeff Erickson
209 plays
15. String matching via careful failureAvoiding redundant comparisons The fail function and finite-state machine Knuth-Morris-Pratt: O(n) worst-case time Border of P = any proper prefix of P that is also a suffix of P fail[j] - 1 is the…
From Jeff Erickson
123 plays
15. String matching via rolling hashThe string matching problem Almost brute force -> O(mn) worst-case time but usually good in practice unless you are a potato Intuition: interpret strings as numbers Use modular arithmetic, but…
From Jeff Erickson
105 plays
14. More HashingOpen addressed hashing Fictional analysis: Strongly universal hashing Linear probing and binary probing Analysis of binary probing: full versus popular 2-uniformity and Chebyshev imply O(log n)…
From Jeff Erickson
113 plays
13. HashingHash table definitions and standard fiction Deterministic hash functions are stupid. Families of hash functions Uniform (yawn), universal, and strongly universal (2-uniform) families of hash…
From Jeff Erickson
181 plays
12. Tail inequalitiesWhat are tail inequalities? Markov's inequality: Pr[ X > x ] ≤ E[X} / x Independent random variables Chebyshev: If X is sum of pairwise-independent 0/1 variables: E[ (X–μ)^2 ]…
From Jeff Erickson
152 plays
11. TreapsBinary search tree (ordered dictionary) operations Treaps: BST with respect to keys + min-heap with respect to priorities Insert, delete, split, and join algorithms; time bounded by node depth…
From Jeff Erickson
106 plays
9. Matching nuts and boltsMidterm 1 logistics Rawlins’ nuts and bolts problem Reductions to and from sorting nuts and/or bolts Randomized quicksort! Full-history recurrence Back of the envelope analysis via good and…
From Jeff Erickson
168 plays
8. Discrete probability reviewReflections|Projections! Randomized algorithms: what and why? Discrete sample spaces, good old rock, events, probability, conditional probability Random variables: expectation, conditional…
From Jeff Erickson
164 plays
7. Speeding up dynamic programmingFinding minimum elements in every row of an array No other information: Brute force O(mn) is optimal Monotone: Minima in higher rows are above/left of minima in later rows Filtering: row minima in…
From Jeff Erickson
154 plays