Search for tag: "algorithms"

October 10 makeup lecture: perfect hashing, linear/binary probing

From  Jeff Erickson 51 plays 0  

ECE 374 BL1 Fall 2024 10-3-2024

ECE 374 BL1 Fall 2024

+8 More
From  Nickvash Kani 259 plays 0  

∞. Final Exam Review

Logistics Read the questions Pareto-optimal…

From  Jeff Erickson 156 plays 0  

26. Splay trees and the dynamic optimality conjecture

Splay trees Amortized time via potential function…

From  Jeff Erickson 59 plays 0  

25. Online algorithms

What are online algorithms? Example: paging The…

From  Jeff Erickson 69 plays 0  

24. LP duality and the simplex algorithm

LP duality: swap roles of matrix constraints and…

From  Jeff Erickson 107 plays 0  

23. Linear programming

Definition of linear programming Example: Maximum…

From  Jeff Erickson 171 plays 0  

22. Minimum cost flows

Minimum-cost circulations Cycle cancelling…

From  Jeff Erickson 126 plays 0  

21. More applications and extensions

Minimum vertex cover Project selection Non-zero…

From  Jeff Erickson 120 plays 0  

20. More applications of maximum flow

General strategy Scheduling final exams Tuple…

From  Jeff Erickson 178 plays 0  

19. Midterm 2 review

hashing collisions leaves in treaps Thomas the…

From  Jeff Erickson 142 plays 0  

18. Applications/extensions of maximum flow

Edge-disjoint paths Undirected graphs Vertex…

From  Jeff Erickson 214 plays 0  

17. Maximum flow structure and algorithms

Definition review Ford-Fulkerson Bad example with…

From  Jeff Erickson 170 plays 0  

16. Maximum flows and minimum cuts

Definition of maximum flows Definition of minimum…

From  Jeff Erickson 211 plays 0  

15. String matching via careful failure

Avoiding redundant comparisons The fail function…

From  Jeff Erickson 123 plays 0  

15. String matching via rolling hash

The string matching problem Almost brute force…

From  Jeff Erickson 105 plays 0  

14. More Hashing

Open addressed hashing Fictional analysis:…

From  Jeff Erickson 114 plays 0  

13. Hashing

Hash table definitions and standard fiction…

From  Jeff Erickson 189 plays 0  

12. Tail inequalities

What are tail inequalities? Markov's…

From  Jeff Erickson 156 plays 0  

11. Treaps

Binary search tree (ordered dictionary)…

From  Jeff Erickson 108 plays 0  

10. Midterm review session

Review session for Midterm 1

From  Jeff Erickson 131 plays 0  

9. Matching nuts and bolts

Midterm 1 logistics Rawlins’ nuts and bolts…

From  Jeff Erickson 172 plays 0  

8. Discrete probability review

Reflections|Projections! Randomized algorithms:…

From  Jeff Erickson 174 plays 0  

7. Speeding up dynamic programming

Finding minimum elements in every row of an array…

From  Jeff Erickson 160 plays 0