Search for tag: "architecture"
Sapora/Social Justice: architecture-inclusionA group of architects, designers and city planners discuss a LGBTQ-friendly development being built in Cleveland.
From Richard Detzner
10 plays
Study Architecture at Illinois: Shravan ArunFreshman Shravan Arun speaks to potential students about his Illinois Experience.
From Natalie Fiol
69 plays
Study Architecture at Illinois: Mila LipinskiJunior Mila Lipinski speaks to potential students about her Illinois Experience.
From Natalie Fiol
64 plays
Study Architecture at Illinois: Jerry RodriguezSophomore Jerry Rodriguez speaks to potential students about his Illinois Experience.
From Natalie Fiol
42 plays
Giancarlo Mazzanti Lecture 2/25/19Giancarlo Mazzanti, El Equipo de MazzantiLecture Title: "Game as a mechanism of social interaction" Sponsored by the Hannig Visiting Professor Fund
From Spring Harrison
13 plays
Paola Aguirre Lecture 2/4/19Paola Aguirre Serrano, Founder, Borderless StudioLecture Title: Designing With, Not For Sponsored by the Visiting Professional Lecture Fund Bio: Paola Aguirre Serrano is founder of BORDERLESS…
From Spring Harrison
24 plays
University Hall (1871-1938) Fly Through AnimationThis is a fly-through animation for the digital restoration of University Hall on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign from 1871 to 1938. This research…
From Christopher Prom
338 plays
RIVEEL3D Mobile : Interaction VideoThis video demonstrates a prototype app made in concert with our RIVEEL3D research project (Real-time Immersive Environments for Education and Learning). Our goal is to make digital cultural heritage…
From Colter Wehmeier
79 plays
Aerial Panoramas of Campus (Louis and Ruth Wright Papers, 1934-1935)Original footage: Audiovisual Digital Surrogates from the Louis and Ruth Wright Papers, Series 41/20/185, Video III, 1934-1935 Edited by: Tara Chattoraj (Student Life and Culture Archives), 2017 for…
From Anna Trammell
335 plays
Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Model and Planned NetworkFunded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS Cutaway animation of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope with a map of…
From Jeffrey Carpenter
163 plays
Mabel Wilson - Other Monumentalities - Race, Style and National ArchitectureWilson's presentation will compare the design of the original Smithsonian Institution (1855) by architect James Renwick and the new National African American Museum of History and Culture (2016)…
From Nancy Castro
61 plays