Lightning Round: Challenges and Opportunities in…
Keynote – “The Social Side of…
John Towns, Executive…
Closing Remarks
Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor…
Overview of Year of Cyberinfrastructure /…
Keynote Address - Introduction by Madhu Khanna,…
Keynote Address - Introduction by Ben McCall,…
Keynote Address - Introduced by Evan DeLucia,…
Day 3 - Session VI: Social Dimensions of Food…
Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor of Research,…
Day 3 - Session V: Advances in Technology and…
Day 3 - Session V: Advances in Technology and…
Day 3 - Session VI: Social Dimensions of Food…
Day 3 - Session V: Advances in Technology and…
Day 3 - Session VI: Social Dimensions of Food…
Day 2 - Session III: Agriculture & Ecosystem…
Day 2 - Session IV: Meeting the Demand for Food…
Day 2 - Session IV: Meeting the Demand for Food…
Day 2 - Session III: Agriculture & Ecosystem…
Day 2 - Session IV: Meeting the Demand for Food…
Day 2 - Session III: Agriculture & Ecosystem…