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2014 LAS Winter Convocation

From  digitalmedia 232 plays 0  

College of Engineering Convocation - Winter 2014

From  digitalmedia 394 plays 0  

Lightning Round: Challenges and Opportunities in the Use of CI to Support Research

Lightning Round: Challenges and Opportunities in…

From  digitalmedia 70 plays 0  

Keynote – “The Social Side of Cyberinfrastructure”

Keynote – “The Social Side of…

From  digitalmedia 50 plays 0  

Welcome & Year of Cyberinfrastructure

Welcome Welcome: John Towns, Executive…

From  digitalmedia 16 plays 0  

Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor…

From  digitalmedia 14 plays 0  

Overview of Year of Cyberinfrastructure / Cyberinfrastructure Master Plan

Overview of Year of Cyberinfrastructure /…

From  digitalmedia 24 plays 0  

Closing Address – “Cyberinfrastructure and Education”

Closing Address –…

From  digitalmedia 8 plays 0  

Day 3 - Keynote Address - Challenges of Feeding India

Keynote Address - Introduction by Madhu Khanna,…

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From  digitalmedia 15 plays 0  

Day 2 - Keynote Address - Post-hydrocarbon food systems: The challenge of the 21st century

Keynote Address - Introduction by Ben McCall,…

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From  digitalmedia 12 plays 0  

Day 1 - Keynote Address - Peak Food?

Keynote Address - Introduced by Evan DeLucia,…

+3 More
From  digitalmedia 20 plays 0  

Day 3 - Session VI - Food Security and the role of the private sector

Day 3 - Session VI: Social Dimensions of Food…

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From  digitalmedia 10 plays 0  

Day 3 - Closing Remarks

Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor of Research,…

+2 More
From  digitalmedia 11 plays 0  

Day 3 - Session V - The promise and prospects of genetically modified crops

Day 3 - Session V: Advances in Technology and…

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From  digitalmedia 6 plays 0  

Day 3 - Session V - The role of innovation and collaboration to drive sustainable agricultural solutions

Day 3 - Session V: Advances in Technology and…

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From  digitalmedia 12 plays 0  

Day 3 - Session VI - Global human appropriation of net primary production: A biophysical approach to analyze systemic feedbacks in the global land system

Day 3 - Session VI: Social Dimensions of Food…

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From  digitalmedia 40 plays 0  

Day 3 - Session V - Improving photosynthetic efficiency for improved crop yield

Day 3 - Session V: Advances in Technology and…

+4 More
From  digitalmedia 69 plays 0  

Day 3 - Session VI - Public Acceptance of GMOs: Barriers and implications for food security

Day 3 - Session VI: Social Dimensions of Food…

+4 More
From  digitalmedia 27 plays 0  

Day 2 - Session III - Ecosystem services from working agricultural lands: Is multi-functionality a destination or mirage?

Day 2 - Session III: Agriculture & Ecosystem…

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From  digitalmedia 11 plays 0  

Day 2 - Session IV - Identifying the impacts: Corporate-NGO-University partnerships to better measure the effectiveness of food security interventions in Africa

Day 2 - Session IV: Meeting the Demand for Food…

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From  digitalmedia 8 plays 0  

Day 2 - Session IV - Bridging the international and U.S. food security research areas

Day 2 - Session IV: Meeting the Demand for Food…

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From  digitalmedia 5 plays 0  

Day 2 - Session III - Borlaug vs. Jevons: Can forests and increasing agricultural production really co-exist in a landscape?

Day 2 - Session III: Agriculture & Ecosystem…

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From  digitalmedia 16 plays 0  

Day 2 - Session IV - Sustainable food: A legal Approach

Day 2 - Session IV: Meeting the Demand for Food…

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From  digitalmedia 14 plays 0  

Day 2 - Session III - Africa: From basket case to breadbasket

Day 2 - Session III: Agriculture & Ecosystem…

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From  digitalmedia 4 plays 0