Search for tag: "gies college of business"

BADM 508 Mount Everest Simulation Assignment

In this lively video for HBP's Mount Everest…

+3 More
From  Marta Flores Minero 2/14/2024 1,463 plays 0  

Leadership Lab Video

Experience a moment of laughter as you watch a…

+3 More
From  Marta Flores Minero 1/26/2024 1,924 plays 0  

Yellowdig Trailer From Gies Alumni

A humorous video to increase student engagement…

+4 More
From  Marta Flores Minero 1/3/2024 1,843 plays

BADM 508 Everest Simulation Login Tutorial

This video is created to help BADM 508 students…

+8 More
From  Melanie Wiscount 8/2/2023 1,801 plays

Gies Online Faculty Term Kickoff Meeting February 22, 2023

Gies Online Faculty Term Kickoff Meeting …

From  Business eLearning Digital Media 2/28/2023 12 plays 0  

Ishan Prasad--MS Financial Engineering Graduate of 2013

Hear from former MS Financial Engineering…

+3 More
From  Amy Lamb 12/14/2022 1,353 plays 0  

Gies iMBA Q4-2021 RE Meetup

Real Estate Investment Forum at iMBA - Gies…

+5 More
From  Rahul Sethiya 11/14/2021 75 plays 0  

Pivoting in a Pandemic: Local Business Edition

Presenters: Judy Lee (Made in Urbana), Seth Fein…

+11 More
From  Jamie Nelson 3/26/2021 31 plays 0  

eLearning Seminar - Measuring and Improving Student Engagement

How can you tell how engaged your students are…

From  Martin Maurer 1/28/2021 48 plays 0  


Celebrating Fall 2020 Gies Graduates and there…

+4 More
From  Rahul Sethiya 12/21/2020 28 plays 0  

October 29 2020 CLACS K-12 Series: Taller virtual en español para educadores (padres y maestros) en tiempo de pandemia v.1

Dra. Norma Scagnoli (Assistant Dean for Education…

From  Kasia Szremski 10/30/2020 16 plays 0  

Webinar: Moving your course online

eLearning Workshops March 17, 2020. Topics: Using…

From  Norma Scagnoli 3/17/2020 60 plays 0  

MSA Student Talent Show 2018

6:00 PM Thursday, December 6, 2018 Eighteen MSA…

+2 More
From  Timothy Reierson 12/7/2018 193 plays 0  

Tony Petullo

An interview with Tony Petullo, class of 1961.

From  Ryan Smith 10/17/2018 191 plays 0  

Gies College of Business Promise

This is the Gies College of Business

+2 More
From  Ryan Smith 8/31/2018 6,178 plays 0  

Gies Business Scholarships

Hear from Gies Business alumni and current…

From  Ryan Smith 8/20/2018 224 plays 0  

Israel Study Abroad - The Student Experience

This video highlights the Gies College of…

+2 More
From  Ryan Smith 8/16/2018 476 plays 0  

Israel Study Abroad - Highlight Video

This video highlights the Gies College of…

From  Ryan Smith 8/16/2018 1,244 plays 0