Search for tag: "teaching"
Designing Cooperative Learning ExperiencesHave you ever been part of a group learning experience and thought that it was very frustrating? This can happen for a variety of reasons that could come from how the group was structured,…
From David Favre
8 plays
Gies Teaching Excellence Faculty PanelGies Teaching Excellence Faculty Panel. 4 award-winning Gies faculty members share insights about their teaching journeys.
From Martin Maurer
10 plays
Undergraduate Careers Exploration Week: Careers in TeachingJoin School of Chemical Sciences alumni to hear about their career paths in secondary and higher secondary education. Jeff Benter, Chemistry and Physics Teacher @ Tri-Valley High School (B.S. in…
From Jennifer Tasneem
0 plays
DEEP Center Workshop Kick-Off 2024-01-30Zoom Recording ID: 83317083636 UUID: Af9FSb8UR66BA7o2wVSlEQ== Meeting Time: 2024-01-30 04:16:27pmGMT Click on Timeline to jump to chapters/sections.
From Ellen Althaus
5 plays
Creativity x Generative AI WebinarIn this webinar, Professor Jeff Loewenstein and his former student Dani shared their thoughts about leveraging generative AI for teaching and learning about creativity.
From Martin Maurer
22 plays
The Importance of Visual Design in Online CoursesWhen it comes to online courses, beauty is more than skin deep. Studies have shown that the aesthetics of an online course are important factors in motivating students to engage and persist in the…
From Rachel Martiniak
2 plays
Artificial Intelligence: Implications on Teaching & LearningWith the meteoric rise of generative AI like ChatGPT going mainstream, what are the implications for teaching and learning in higher education? We’ve put together a diverse group of campus…
From Jamie Nelson
269 plays
PPTemplate-Workshop02-Converting Old PP slides to Gies TemplatePart of Workshop 02- Converting old PP slides to Gies PP Template Graphics for Teaching is a series of small workshops to support our team’s existing skills. The practices needed to create…
From Business eLearning Digital Media
27 plays
Graphics for Teaching Workshop 04 - White SpaceGraphics for Teaching is a series of small workshops to support our team’s existing skills. The practices needed to create human-centered and accessible graphics are an ongoing journey to…
From Business eLearning Digital Media
10 plays
Gies Learning and Technology Coffee Hour - March 2022Simulations and Game-based Learning with Nina Hopkins and Lilach Mollick (Wharton Interactive) Please visit the Attachments tab, above, to download the Primer and other related materials. The…
From Tawnya Means
11 plays
CITL PartnersAt CITL Innovation Spaces we work with a lot of different departments, colleges, clubs and people from the community. This video highlights just a few of our visiting groups and partners. Come work…
From Megan Baird
4 plays
Gies Learning and Technology Coffee Hour - December 2021Synchronous Engagement with hosts Tawnya Means, Jamie Nelson, and Adam King Please visit the Attachments tab, above, to download the Primer and other related materials. The Disruption Lab and the…
From Tawnya Means
22 plays
Designing Cooperative Learning ExperiencesHave you ever been part of a group learning experience and thought that it was very frustrating? This can happen for a variety of reasons that could come from how…
From David Favre
6 plays