On October 26 at 12pm, current and recent graduate students are invited to a career exploration panel focusing on using foreign language, area studies, and thematic studies in the job market. Join…
Date of creation
10/26/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Donna Tonini
Jeffrey Thibert
Terrell Jermaine Starr
Jeffrey Kyong-McClain Contributors and team members
Donna Tonini
Steven Witt
Timur Pollack-Lagushenko
Maria Dorofeeva
The field of informatics continues to grow! Watch this information session to learn more about the field and the available graduate programs at the University of Illinois!
Date of creation
10/5/2021 5:00 AM
Preparing for the Virtual ACES + LAS Career Fair: Science Majors
Date of creation
9/15/2021 5:00 AM
Speakers will be sharing how their experiences as APIDA student
leaders within the U of I community helped support their growth and resilience
for long term endeavors like balancing careers in law…
Date of creation
2/9/2021 6:00 AM Video credits
Christina Carpio Contributors and team members
Jennifer Mendez
STEM Illinois Communiversity Think and Do Tank Webcast series is designed to
provide a space for members of the university and community to think about how
to create an ecosystem where…
Date of creation
1/24/2021 6:00 AM Video credits
KCPA Sound Design Team Contributors and team members
Ruby Mendenhall
Workshop on resume/CV writing for graduate students and post-docs in the School of Chemical Sciences
Date of creation
12/9/2020 6:00 AM
Zoom Recording ID: 99646604534
UUID: DVxrs5n6QqevH6FQh7XTQQ==
Meeting Time: 2020-08-18T19:28:42Z
Date of creation
8/18/2020 5:00 AM
Brad Mehrtens advisor and MCB 150 Instructor gives talk about career options with an MCB degree. He touches on Health careers such as pre-med, pre-dental, and other pre-health related fields. Then…
Date of creation
11/8/2019 6:00 AM
Interested in becoming a medical scribe? Not sure where to start or what to expect? Join us for an information session with MCB’s very own graduate Terra Scranton where she will answer all your…
Date of creation
3/29/2019 5:00 AM