Search for tag: "electrical and computer engineering"

Quick Motor Check

We received a batch of motors that had a number…

From  Christopher Schmitz 1,455 plays 0  

Electronics Kit Parts Check

Prof. Schmitz opens and parses through the…

From  Christopher Schmitz 1,376 plays 0  

Illinois ECE Transforms Building for Face Shield Production During Shutdown

URBANA, Ill. -- While campus was empty and eerily…

From  Ryann Monahan 23 plays 0  

Klara Nahrstedt Oral History (Part 2)

Women in Computing and Information Technology…

From  University Archives 16 plays 0  

Klara Nahrstedt Oral History (Part 1)

Women in Computing and Information Technology…

+9 More
From  University Archives 43 plays 0  

Do Engineers Make the World a Better Place?

A candid discussion on the broader effects,…

From  Michael Miller 17 plays 0