Search for tag: "introduction"
Introduction to R for Data Analytics in Accounting and FinancePromo video for Introduction to R for Data Analytics in Accounting and Finance
From Business eLearning Digital Media
268 plays
ECE/CS 584 CPS, Embedded System VerificationIntroduction to the topic of the course. What is verification? What is CPS? What are successes? The first 20 mins of the lecture, recorded my notepad instead of the slides.
From Sayan Mitra
80 plays
Introduction to Business Analytics with R Course ConclusionRon Guymon concludes the Introduction to Business Analytics with R course
From Business eLearning Digital Media
7 plays
STAT425: Introduction to Regression AnalysisIn this video we talk about the fundamental steps of Data Analysis and the origin of Regression Analysis
From Lelys Bravo De Guenni
334 plays
publish_meMath 442 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Lecture 03, Part 02 The Wave Equation: Operator Method
From Kerry Butson
132 plays