Search for tag: "mediaspace"
Upload Video to Mediaspace TutorialThis tutorial video will showcase how to upload a video file to University of Illinois Mediaspace, and then find the link to submit for a video project assignment on Canvas.
From Melanie Wiscount
945 plays
Understanding MediaSpace Analyltics ReportsIn this video we will assist you on better understanding how to use the Entry Analytics via Mediaspce
From Drew MacGregor
27 plays
What is The New Kaltura eSearch and How to Use ItIn this video, we will demonstrate how to better familiarize with the new Kaltura eSearch Engine and get to know how to search for content in the most effective way's.
From Drew MacGregor
35 plays
How to Add Co-Publisher or Co-Editor in MediaSpaceThis video demonstrates how to add a Co-publisher or Co-editor. You can add co-publishers to media to allow colleagues or peers to use the media in their galleries and channels. This is perfect for…
From Drew MacGregor
42 plays
How to Use and Publish From My MediaEvery Kaltura user has a personal, searchable repository for viewing and managing private media content. Thus, "My Media" is the media repository of a single user. Media items in the…
From Drew MacGregor
140 plays
How to Create, Set and Delete A MediaSpace ChannelOrganizational group managers or anyone authorized by the organization to create channels in MediaSpace can create a channel on the MediaSpace site and manually select the channel’s…
From Drew MacGregor
128 plays
How to Edit MediaThis video demonstrates how to edit media in MediaSpace. Please note that you can edit your own media and media you were assigned the co-editor ONLY.Note that your screen might be slightly different…
From Drew MacGregor
342 plays
How to Upload MediaThis video demonstrates how to upload a media to MediaSpace. You can learn how to upload a media from your computer or upload a YouTube video. Note that your screen might be slightly different due to…
From Drew MacGregor
1,074 plays
Tip: Channels and Subscriptions - Finding ContentTip: Channels and Subscriptions - Finding Content How do I find a channel?
From Drew MacGregor
93 plays
Tip: How to download a source fileTip: How to download a source file How to download the source file of a media asset you uploaded.
From Drew MacGregor
2,073 plays
Tip: Searching captions to find contentTip: Searching captions to find content How to use search tools to locate specific moments in media that has been captioned
From Drew MacGregor
36 plays
Tip: Commenting with timestamps featureQuick tip on how to easily add a timestamp to a comment you make on a video
From Drew MacGregor
109 plays
Publishing media to a channelThis brief overview will walk you through how to add a media entry to a channel in Mediaspace
From Drew MacGregor
433 plays