International and Area Studies Library

International and Area Studies Library

The International and Area Studies Library (IASL) coordinates patron and research focused services while continuing to build nationally prominent collections of materials from outside of the United States. This unit combines the library’s strong faculty, services, and collections focused on African Studies; East Asian Studies; European Union Studies; Global Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Studies; Middle East and North African Studies; Russian East European, and Eurasian Studies; and South Asian Studies. The combined expertise and research collections of the IASL constitutes one of the campus’ gateways to information and scholarship related to area, international, and global studies, connecting students and scholars to the knowledge crucial to developing global competencies through the study of distinct nations and regions, as well as transnational issues and global concerns. The IASL faculty and staff marshal their expertise and the resources of the Library to support its mission by delivering international reference services; engaging the campus community; publishing original research, developing resources and media; teaching; and developing world class collections.
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