This video explores key components of career decision making. Knowing what makes up a career choice helps us identify specific places to focus to effectively address career problems.(Created by LAS…
Date of creation
1/16/2023 6:00 AM Video credits
LAS Career Services Contributors and team members
Julia Makela
This video introduces Design Thinking, one helpful approach to understanding the messy problem of career exploration. (Created by LAS Career Services)
Date of creation
1/16/2023 6:00 AM Video credits
LAS Career Services Contributors and team members
Julia Makela
Workshop description: If you are a content creator looking to improve your engagement on social and digital platforms and want to understand how data-driven decision-making can help you reach your…
Date of creation
11/16/2022 6:00 AM Contributors and team members
Erin Knowles
Learn how Clinical Key can support your education and clinical practice with easy access to textbooks and evidence-based content for decision making.
Date of creation
12/10/2021 6:00 AM Video credits
Samantha Lindgren Contributors and team members
Peg Burnette
This video contains a brief description of the Department of Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering's undergraduate majors and student opportunities by Associate Director Heidi Craddock…
Date of creation
4/1/2021 5:00 AM Contributors and team members
Professor Yuan Zhou
Professor Carolyn Beck
Yufei Ruan
Heidi Craddock
Elise Lee
Simon Balisi
Taylor Calcagno
Aiyana Campbell