Search for tag: "fall 2021"
WB5 - Linking High-Risk-Data-Researchers to Appropriate Technology Services Potential Role of a Faculty Liaison - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumThere are numerous data technology options available to researchers utilizing high risk data. Identifying the appropriate level of storage security and leveraging campus technology to ensure the best…
From ITPF Zoom2
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WA5 - Making the Best of It How the Pandemic Improved our Training Program - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumThe School of Information Sciences Help Desk employs a staff of 10 to 16 students in a given semester. Because our students are all in a 2-year program, half of our staff leave and must be replaced…
From ITPF Zoom1
8 plays
WB4 - Big Data A Tale of Researcher Experiences - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumRecently, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was one of twenty institutions participating in a Supporting Big Data Research Study. The study was organized by Ithaka S+R , a not for profit…
From ITPF Zoom2
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WA4 - Using logs to troubleshoot web apps - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumHow to use logs to diagnose and troubleshoot problems in your website Presented by: Klaud Magdziak, SATech; Ashley Hetrick, Technology Services Zoom Recording ID: 89676818196 UUID:…
From ITPF Zoom1
7 plays
WB3 - The Secret Sauce to a People-First Culture - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumYour grandma's famous blackberry pie recipe has nothing on this. Learn how to create an awesome people-first culture using tactics and strategies AITS has put to the test. We'll discuss…
From ITPF Zoom2
15 plays
WA3 - Tools and techniques for developing shared web components libraries - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumIn 2020, a group of designers and developers from UIUC began work on a library of web components, a set of reusable pre-made building blocks for creating websites. We wanted to make it easier for…
From ITPF Zoom1
13 plays
WB2 - Creating Communities to Drive forward Data as an Asset - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumWe presented a vision for a future with data as an asset at the Spring ITPF and now we'd like to form a few communities of practice to help make that vision a reality. Please brainstorm with us…
From ITPF Zoom2
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WA2 - Advances PDF Remediation A DIY Case Study - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumA basic pillar of making accessible PDF's is to convert from an existing accessible document. But what do you do when that isn't an option? This presentation will discuss an ongoing…
From ITPF Zoom1
10 plays
WA1 - AInspector WCAG and Functional Accessibility Evalauatior (FAE) updates to support ARIA 1.2 - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumThis session will highlight the changes in the OpenAjax evaluation library used in the Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) and AInspector WCAG Firefox extension to implement the new features of…
From ITPF Zoom1
7 plays
WB1 - Orphans, Rogues, and Sprawl - Managing Cloud Information and Data - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumTips & Hints for Sanitizing your Virtual office Data Footprint. Practical advice for: - What is Information Sprawl and what should I do with it? - I stored University Data on my Personal PC, now…
From ITPF Zoom2
8 plays
D5 - Managing Permissions as a Tableau Project Leader - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumTableau Server offers a Project Leader role which will allow units to manage the security permissions within their projects. This provides the option of managing sub-projects and individual…
From ITPF Zoom4
14 plays
A5 - Privacy Everywhere at Illinois - the Privacy Office and Building Privacy Culture - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumZoom Recording ID: 86435789614 UUID: 4JGn4olVQYqZ1Q5ZrrSQuQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-03T20:09:09Z
From ITPF Zoom1
69 plays
C5 - Core Network Upgrade Plans and Features - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumAn overview of the design and planning of the 8th Core (backbone) network for the UIUC campus. A look at features, vendors, and other details of the network design, as well as plans for purchase and…
From ITPF Zoom3
10 plays
B5 - Building Communities of Practice - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumAre you new to campus? This session can help you connect to 1000 IT Pro's working across campus who have similar challenges as you and who you can collaborate with to resolve them. Join us for…
From ITPF Zoom2
5 plays
C4 - The future of data and analytics technologies for the University of Illinois - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumYou want data! You need data! And the way you work with data is evolving. The tools you use, need to evolve with you. AITS and your peers are building the roadmap for the next generation of data…
From ITPF Zoom3
6 plays
B4 - How to Do the Work of an Ally - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumWomen in Technology (WIT) and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion present an overview and best practices for allyship in the workplace. Allyship in the workplace…
From ITPF Zoom2
4 plays
A4 - Migrating to Teams Updates and Information - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumWe will present current status of the campus migration from Skype for Business to Teams Online and answer any questions or concerns attendees may present. Presented by: Eric Frahm, Technology…
From ITPF Zoom1
14 plays
D4 - Open-source Campus - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumAs the University campus becomes ever more digitally connected, it enables new forms of collaboration and communication. The Rokwire and Smart, Healthy Communities Initiatives are currently realizing…
From ITPF Zoom4
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A3 - Operational Excellence, Ecosystems...What does it all mean and what is coming next - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumWe will use this session on Operational Excellence to discuss the outcomes from the Spring ITPF and how we are seeking to leverage these ideas in support of this initiative. Scott will also provide a…
From ITPF Zoom1
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D3 - Campus Website theme updates - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumAt the last IT Pro Forum, you heard about the new campus website brand standards. Now hear about the new developments that have happened in the last 6 months. Many new features, improved designs, and…
From ITPF Zoom4
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B3 - Moving Your Training Spaces to Canvas - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumWe have not forgotten all of the training and other spaces people are using on Compass 2g. After focusing on the academic courses this semester, we want to take this time to walk your way through…
From ITPF Zoom2
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B2 - What Students Want - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumOur continuing panel returns with four undergraduate students sharing from their experience on the Urbana Campus. Come hear how technology on campus works for them and the challenges they face. This…
From ITPF Zoom2
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A2 - Lowering barrier to entry to AWS - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumTechnology Services and the Cloud Advisory Subcommittee (IT Council) are in the process of testing out a software (Ronin) to help lower barriers to entry to Amazon Web Services (AWS). We will give an…
From ITPF Zoom1
12 plays
D2 - I Know What you Logged into Last Summer! IAM Discoveries Using Splunk - Fall 2021 IT Pro ForumTake a tour behind the scenes on some of the data analytics the IAM team does with identity, authentication and authorization logs collected in our Splunk SIEM. Presented by: Erik Coleman, Technology…
From ITPF Zoom4
9 plays