Family_ Finances_ and Food

University of Illinois Extension’s Family and Consumer Sciences provides educational programs and resources for all ages – whether you are a parent with a new baby or making decisions as you care for an older adult, we can help! We work closely with families and community partners to help you make informed decisions to address your issues and challenges. We provide information when and where you need it through in-person classes, online resources, videos, and social media options.

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University of Illinois Extension’s Family and Consumer Sciences provides educational programs and resources for all ages – whether you are a parent with a new baby or making decisions as you care for an older adult, we can help! We work closely with families and community partners to help you make informed decisions to address your issues and challenges. We provide information when and where you need it through in-person classes, online resources, videos, and social media options.

University of Illinois Extension’s Family and Consumer Sciences provides educational programs and resources for all ages – whether you are a parent with a new baby or making decisions as you care for an older adult, we can help! We work closely with families and community partners to help you make informed decisions to address your issues and challenges. We provide information when and where you need it through in-person classes, online resources, videos, and social media options.

 Public, Restricted

242 Media
15 Members