Search for tag: "advanced visualization lab"


Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.A fury is building on the surface of the Sun: high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave 100,000 km high, rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these…

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From  Jeffrey Carpenter 260 plays 0  


Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.A fury is building on the surface of the Sun: high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave 100,000 km high, rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these…

+10 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 224 plays 0  

ACE Excerpt: Average Daily Temperature 2000 & 2100

Visualization of Average daily temperature comparison from 2000 to 2100 from climate simulation models created by Susan Bates and team at NCAR, computed on NCSA's Blue Waters supercomputer and…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 7 plays 0  

Planet Formation in the Early Solar System

In order to understand the complexities of terrestrial planet formation, new modeling techniques are needed to explain the difference in size an mass between the Earth and Mars. Kevin Walsh, a Senior…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 150 plays 0  

AVL-Adler Planetarium Networked Virtual Collaboration

A short video created for Chicago Ideas Week showing a collaboration between NCSA's Advanced Visualization Lab and the Adler Planetarium. The two groups collaborated over the network using…

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From  Jeffrey Carpenter 9 plays 0  

Study of a Numerically Modeled Severe Storm

The understanding of severe storms begins with observations of their behavior. Numerical models of thunderstorms can be used to compliment this understanding. These models consist of mathematical…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 351 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Solar Flares

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+9 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 227 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: The Formation of First Stars and Galaxies

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+6 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 1,090 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Solar Plasma Interacting with Earth’s Magnetic Field

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+10 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 1,528 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Double Coronal Mass Ejection

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+10 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 796 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Solar Dynamo / Solar Interior

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+14 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 825 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Magneto-Convection Emerging Flux

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+12 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 937 plays 0  

Magneto-Convection Emerging Flux short

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt "Magneto-Convection Emerging Flux" A full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois, Thomas Lucas Productions, Spitz Creative Media …

+10 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 16 plays 0  

Magneto-Convection Emerging Flux

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt "Magneto-Convection Emerging Flux" A full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois, Thomas Lucas Productions, Spitz Creative Media …

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From  Jeffrey Carpenter 51 plays 0  

Hurricane Katrina NCSA NCAR

A hurricane research team at the Earth System Laboratory, led by Wei Wang, computed the evolution of the storm using a complex numerical weather prediction model. Running this mathematical model on…

+5 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 18 plays 0