Search for tag: "cadens"


Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.A fury is building on the surface of the Sun: high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave 100,000 km high, rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these…

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From  Jeffrey Carpenter 260 plays 0  


Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.A fury is building on the surface of the Sun: high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave 100,000 km high, rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these…

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From  Jeffrey Carpenter 224 plays 0  

Planet Formation in the Early Solar System

In order to understand the complexities of terrestrial planet formation, new modeling techniques are needed to explain the difference in size an mass between the Earth and Mars. Kevin Walsh, a Senior…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 150 plays 0  

Inside a Supertwister

Dr. Leigh Orf, a scientist from the University of Wisconsin, tells us how he designed the most detailed supercomputer models of a tornadic thunderstorm ever produced. Funded in part by: National…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 14 plays 0  

Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Model and Planned Network

Funded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS Cutaway animation of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope with a map of…

+8 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 163 plays 0  

Milky Way Analogue Isolated Disk Galaxy

Funded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS The properties of disk galaxies are determined by a balance between…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 289 plays 0  

Seeing Inside The Sun

Robert Stein, Michigan State University describes how he got interested in astronomy and stars and how he used computing to uncover the secrets of our sun. Funded in part by: National Science…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 238 plays 0  

First Light in the Renaissance Simulations: Formation of the Very First Galaxies in the Universe

Funded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS PI B. W. O'Shea (MSU), co-PI M. L. Norman (UCSD). NSF…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 986 plays 0  

Cosmic Bubble Bath: How the First Galaxies Reionize the Universe [evolving]

GRANT: NSF grant AST-1109243 and XSEDE allocation TG-MCA98N020The PRAC project name is "Formation of the First Galaxies: Predictions for the Next Generation of Observatories"DATA SIZE: 12…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 42 plays 0  

Cosmic Bubble Bath: How the First Galaxies Reionize the Universe

Funded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS GRANT: NSF grant AST-1109243 and XSEDE allocation TG-MCA98N020The PRAC…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 383 plays 0  

Stars from the First Supernovae

Funded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS The simulation shows the early formation of the network of filaments and…

From  Jeffrey Carpenter 241 plays 0  

Dark Energy Survey Sky Coverage and Image Zoom

Funded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS A composite illustration of the breadth of the survey from the Dark …

+6 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 155 plays 0  

The Fornax Cluster Imaged by the Dark Energy Camera

Funded in part by: National Science Foundation Award: ACI-1445176 The Centrality of Advance Dgitally Enabled Science: CADENS A Color composite of The Fornax Cluster of galaxies as imaged by Dark…

+6 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 139 plays 0  


Streamlines are driven by a wind field parameter in a computational scientific model of the deadly 2011 Joplin, Missouri tornado. Derived from data, blue streamers falling toward the ground indicate…

+4 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 571 plays 0  


The deadly tornado that hit Joplin, MO in 2011 was unusually strong for many reasons. This visualization of a supercomputer simulation of that event shows two large storm clouds crashing into each…

+4 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 233 plays 0  


This is a view of the May 24, 2011 El Reno tornado simulation by Leigh Orf. This visualization is looking at reflectivity in a slice near the base of the tornado.Base reflectivity is a type of radar…

+5 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 173 plays 0  


Using the GIS data to analyze the location and placement of fallen trees, as well as first-hand insight gained from being on the ground immediately after the event, Dr Frank Lombardo was able to…

+5 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 100 plays 0  


This is a visualization of a simulation of the tornado that hit El Reno on May 24, 2011. AVL has visualized precipitation, specifically in the forms of cloud water, cloud ice, and cloud rain. This…

+5 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 130 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Solar Flares

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+9 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 227 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: The Formation of First Stars and Galaxies

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+6 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 1,090 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Solar Plasma Interacting with Earth’s Magnetic Field

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+10 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 1,528 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Double Coronal Mass Ejection

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+10 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 796 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Solar Dynamo / Solar Interior

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+14 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 825 plays 0  

Solar Superstorms visualization excerpt: Magneto-Convection Emerging Flux

Solar Superstorms is a full-dome production by NCSA, University of Illinois; Thomas Lucas Productions; Spitz Creative Media Narrated by: Benedict Cumberbatch Funded in part by: National…

+12 More
From  Jeffrey Carpenter 937 plays 0