Search for tag: "media"
Joe RankJoseph “Joe” Rank has been associated with and influenced by the University of Illinois since 1952, when he was a boy and his family moved to Champaign-Urbana. His earliest memories…
From Spenser Bailey
2 plays
Annual Social Media Refresh: 5 Simple Steps to Secure, Update, and Clean Up Your Social Media ChannelsWhat You’ll Learn:Assess Your Current About/Profile Information: Review profile information and provide updated language, including tagging (where available) relevant partners. Review/Update…
From Erin Knowles
13 plays
Charlie MeyersonCharles “Charlie” Meyerson arrived at the University of Illinois in the fall of 1973, already knowing that he wanted to study journalism. He lived in Allen Hall and the Unit One…
From Spenser Bailey
6 plays
Social Media, Is It the Frosting or the Cake?Workshop description: We'll explore social media's role in higher education communication strategy. We'll discuss the effort and resources assigned to social media channels compared to…
From uofiwebcon
6 plays
T&L Styleguide, Process, & Accessibility for Digital Media Production-20230410_140241-Meeting RecordingT&L Styleguide, Process, & Accessibility for Digital Media Production Training on April 10, 2023 Recording Presentation by Martin Pizzaro and Jinhee Choo
From Jinhee Choo
28 plays
10 reasons why Airtable is your MVC—Most Valuable CoworkerWhether you’re drafting social media content for approval from your team or building out an end-of-year report, Airtable can help organize projects from creation to completion. In this…
From uofiwebcon
43 plays
Not With a Bang But a Tweet: Democracy, Culture Wars, and the Memeification of T.S. EliotThis invited lecture by Melanie Walsh and Anna Preus was sponsored by the HRI Research Cluster on the Social Lives of Digitized Culture. T.S. Eliot concluded his poem "The Hollow Men" with…
From John Randolph
14 plays
SSLabelTest_BrinsonCitizenScience_no-labelsNarrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.A fury is building on the surface of the Sun: high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave 100,000 km high, rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these…
From Jeffrey Carpenter
260 plays
SSLabelTest_BrinsonCitizenScience_labelsNarrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.A fury is building on the surface of the Sun: high-velocity jets, a fiery tsunami wave 100,000 km high, rising loops of electrified gas. What’s driving these…
From Jeffrey Carpenter
224 plays
The Use Of Social Media With Its Impact On Mental HealthHere I will like to take the time to talk about the Effects Of Social media.
From Jeremiah Pope
11 plays
Data Vs. Gut: A Holistic Approach to Data-Driven Decision-MakingWorkshop description: If you are a content creator looking to improve your engagement on social and digital platforms and want to understand how data-driven decision-making can help you reach your…
From uofiwebcon
19 plays