Search for tag: "teaching academy"

Live Session 6 Gies Teaching Academy 2

Student Engagement

From  Martin Maurer 41 plays 0  

Live Session Set Up with Zoom

Learn how to set up and configure Zoom meetings…

From  Business eLearning Digital Media 120 plays 0  

Live Session 5 Gies Teaching Academy 2

Assessing student performance

From  Martin Maurer 32 plays 0  

Live Session 4 Gies Teaching Academy 2

Course Communication

From  Martin Maurer 20 plays 0  

Screencasting with Kaltura

Gies eLearning Tech Talk - Screencasting with…

From  Business eLearning Digital Media 82 plays 0  

Live Session 3 Gies Teaching Academy 2

Creating and using video

From  Martin Maurer 37 plays 0  

Live Session 2 Gies Teaching Academy 2

The Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning…

From  Martin Maurer 78 plays 0  

Live Session 1 Gies Teaching Academy 2

Online and Hybrid - Understanding the…

From  Martin Maurer 30 plays 0  

LAS Teaching Academy | Jose Vazquez - Curiosity and the Pleasure of Learning

Professor Jose Vazquez invites you to think about…

From  Yihan Zhou 70 plays 0  

Jose Vazquez - Experiments with Closed Assessments

Professor Jose Vazquez discusses some of the…

From  Dillinger James 37 plays 0  

Can Computer Based Testing Facilities work in LAS?

Professor Mathew West discussed Computer Based…

From  Dillinger James 11 plays 0  

Mathew West - Computer Based Testing Facilities

Professor Mathew West introduces the College of…

From  Dillinger James 8 plays 0  

Christian Ray - Assessing vs. Engaging & Working Together vs. Cheating

Christian Ray discusses why he encourages…

+7 More
From  Dillinger James 63 plays 0  

Christian Ray - Closed Assessments in Chemistry

Dr. Christian Ray shares his perspective on…

+7 More
From  Dillinger James 69 plays 0  

Jose Vazquez - Closed Assessment in the 21st Century Introduction

Jose Vazquez introduces the LAS Teaching Academy…

From  Dillinger James 21 plays 0  

LAS Teaching Academy | Ann Abbott - Service Learning in LAS

Ann Abbott shares her thoughts on how to…

From  Dillinger James 14 plays 0  

LAS Teaching Academy | Q & A - Answering Questions About Teaching Online

Check out the Illinois Online Network (ION) for…

From  Dillinger James 17 plays 0  

LAS Teaching Academy | Kostas Yfantis - ATLAS Online Support

Kostas Yfantis shares his perspective on…

From  Dillinger James 33 plays 0  

LAS Teaching Academy | Jason Mock - Designing an Online Course

Jason Mock shares his perspective on teaching…

From  Dillinger James 24 plays 0  

LAS Teaching Academy | Joanne Manaster - Surprises in Teaching Online

Joanne Manaster shares her perspective on…

From  Dillinger James 29 plays 0  

LAS Teaching Academy | Steve Altaner - Sage on the Stage vs. Guide on the Side

Steve Altaner shares his perspective on teaching…

From  Dillinger James 55 plays 0  

Incorporating International Students pt 1

As the numbers of international students have…

From  Justin York 23 plays 0  

Incorporating International Students pt 2

As the numbers of international students have…

From  Justin York 12 plays 0  

Employing Active Learning Strategies in Large Math Courses pt 1

The Math department teaches calculus on a large…

From  Justin York 276 plays 0