Search for tag: "women"

AFRO 490: Debate

Abstract: This lecture discusses Great Debates in African American history- those of Emancipation, Self-Determination, and Black Liberation. Course: AFRO 490: Rethinking Theory in Black Studies …

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From  CITL IMR 0 plays 0  


This is a video of the second day of the MHP centennial parasitology program sponsored by the Manter Laboratory of Parasitology in the University of Nebraska State Museum. Speakers included…

+2 More
From  Valeria Trivellone 1 plays 0  


This is a video of the first day of the MHP centenial parasitology program sponsored by the Manter Laboratory of Parasitology in the University of Nebraska State Museum. Speakers included Scott…

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From  Valeria Trivellone 4 plays 0  

FLAS 2022-23 Information Session 2

Zoom recording of the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship information session 2, held on Tuesday, November 30, 2021. This information session covers FLAS for the academic year…

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From  IGI-info IGI-info 114 plays 0  

CISTEME365 College & Career Series: We're In This Together

Did you know that universities go out of their way to provide opportunities for you to meet people who have similar interests and experiences? Join leaders of University of Illinois student…

From  Lara Hebert 3 plays 0  

"Beyond Balance: APIA Women in Law Careers"

Speakers will be sharing how their experiences as APIDA student leaders within the U of I community helped support their growth and resilience for long term endeavors like balancing careers in law…

From  Christina Carpio 2 plays 0  

Magnetic Fields Trailer (I-MRSEC web series)

A group of young people discover a strange new material while visiting a research center at the University of Illinois. What happens when they steal it? Watch the trailer for the web episode series…

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From  Pamela Pena Martin 31 plays 0  

Tandy Warnow Oral History

Women in Computing and Information Technology Oral History Project, 2017-18, 35/3/96 Tandy Warnow received her bachelor of science and PhD degrees in mathematics from the University of California,…

From  University Archives 27 plays 0  

Debbie Fligor Oral History

Women in Computing and Information Technology Oral History Project, 2017-18, 35/3/96 Raised in Carbondale, Illinois, Debbie Fligor received her bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering…

From  University Archives 73 plays 0  

Ambika Dubey Oral History

Women in Computing and Information Technology Oral History Project, 2017-18, 35/3/96 Born in Hayward, California, Ambika Dubey is an undergraduate student in the Department of Computer Science at…

From  University Archives 80 plays 0  

Klara Nahrstedt Oral History (Part 2)

Women in Computing and Information Technology Oral History Project, 2017-18, 35/3/96 Klara Nahrstedt is the Ralph M. and Catherine V. Fisher Professor as well as the Director of the Coordinated…

From  University Archives 16 plays 0  

Klara Nahrstedt Oral History (Part 1)

Women in Computing and Information Technology Oral History Project, 2017-18, 35/3/96. Klara Nahrstedt is the Ralph M. and Catherine V. Fisher Professor as well as the Director of the Coordinated…

+9 More
From  University Archives 43 plays 0  

Ramona Borders Oral History (Part 2)

Women in Computing and Information Technology Oral History Project, 2017-18, 35/3/96 Born and raised in Decatur, Illinois, Ramona (Russell) Pogue Borders received her bachelor of science degree in…

From  University Archives 23 plays 0  

Ramona Borders Oral History (Part 1)

Women in Computing and Information Technology Oral History Project, 2017-18, 35/3/96 Born and raised in Decatur, Illinois, Ramona (Russell) Pogue Borders received her bachelor of science degree in…

+7 More
From  University Archives 74 plays 0  

Barbara Bischoff Patten Oral History

Barbara Bischoff Patten was a member of the Class of 1936. She joined a sorority and majored in History. Barbara did not have a lot of extra money during the Depression, but she was…

From  University Archives 40 plays 0  

Mary Kay Hansen Peer Oral History

Mary Kay Hansen Peer graduated in 1934. She majored in English, but she had an unfulfilled dream of studying Business and managing a hotel. Mary Kay was a typist in high school and…

From  University Archives 76 plays 0  

Portia Allyn Smith Oral History

Portia Allyn Smith attended the University from the fall of 1934 through 1937. She studied Geology and lived in a co-op house. Portia worked for the National Youth Administration as a…

From  University Archives 53 plays 0  

Women in Engineering Recruitment, 1973 - Audiovisual Digital Surrogates from the Placement Office Publications, Series 11/1/831

Audiovisual Digital Surrogates from the Placement Office Publications, Series 11/1/831 Women in Engineering Recruitment, 1973 Audiovisual Digital Surrogates from the Placement Office Publications…

From  University Archives 51 plays 0  

Title IX: Let 'em Play

On June 23, 1972, President Nixon signed an educational amendment to prevent sex discrimination in educational institutions. Although sports were not specifically mentioned, the amendment would…

+3 More
From  Joel Steinfeldt 1,902 plays 0