Search for tag: "applied health sciences"
Wheelchair Athletics Performance Testing at ILLINOIS | College of Applied Health SciencesTo start the fall semester, second-year Health and Kinesiology Assistant Professor Matt Hanks and the graduate students of the Disability & Movement Biomechanics Lab brought in members of the…
From Ethan Simmons
2 plays
Marching Illini Hearing Conservation Training -- SHS/AudiologyAn Instagram reel documenting the hearing conservation lesson given to ~400 Marching Illini band members on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023. Presenters were doctoral students in the audiology program within…
From Ethan Simmons
153 plays
Beyond The Gym Floor—Kay WellsJamie O'Connor, a teaching associate professor at the University of Illinois, talks with Kay Wells, who teaches at Edison Middle School in Champaign.
From Vince Lara-Cinisomo
18 plays
Beyond the Gym Floor–Justin YoungJamie O'Connor, a teaching associate professor at the University of Illinois, talks with Justin Young of the Gilman School District in Wisconsin.
From Vince Lara-Cinisomo
4 plays
Beyond the Gym Floor—Annie PicklesimerJamie O'Connor, a teaching associate professor at the University of Illinois, talks with Annie Picklesimer of Yankee Ridge Elementary School in Urbana.
From Vince Lara-Cinisomo
35 plays
Beyond the Gym Floor, S2, EP13—Jennifer WernerJamie O'Connor, a teaching assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois, speaks with Jennifer Werner of Wentzville, Missouri.
From Vince Lara-Cinisomo
18 plays
AHS-Illini-DayPatty Hudek leads a question and answer session with admitted students
From Richard Detzner
155 plays
A Few Minutes With Jacob AllenAHS media relations specialist Vince Lara speaks with Jacob Allen, an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, to discuss his research on how diet, exercise and…
From Vince Lara-Cinisomo
52 plays
A Few Minutes With Caitlin BrooksAHS media relations specialist Vince Lara speaks with Caitlin Brooks, a PhD candidate in the Recreation, Sport and Tourism Dept. within the College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of…
From Vince Lara-Cinisomo
102 plays
KCH LectureTechnology Design to Support Health and Successful Aging, with Dr. Wendy Rogers
From Richard Detzner
33 plays
Clip of DJ Williams.mp4DJ Williams discusses serial murder from the perspective of leisure activity.
From Monika Stodolska
6 plays
hockey-for-everyoneMembers of the front office of the Chicago Blackhawks discuss outreach efforts to promote hockey in youth sports.
From Richard Detzner
24 plays
AHS Fall Lecture Series_DRESMembers of DRES explain the services available to students with disabilities
From Richard Detzner
16 plays
social-justice-raceMembers of the offices of the Milwaukee Bucks and the St. Louis Cardinals discuss race from the perspective of professional sports.
From Richard Detzner
96 plays