Search for tag: "nutrition"

The Science of Self Care Series: Food

This episode of The Science of Self Care Series,…

+4 More
From  Kim Larsen 14 plays 0  

2021 Marketing Package: Home Food Preservation

Illinois Extension Nutrition and Wellness…

From  Diane Reinhold 1 plays 0  

Clip of Eat Fresh, Eat Local: Fresh from the Farmers Market

Tempted to go to the Farmers …

From  Diane Reinhold 9 plays 0  

Eat Fresh, Eat Local: Sample the Season

What kind of fruits and vegetables should you…

From  Diane Reinhold 22 plays 0  

Eat Fresh, Eat Local: Community Supported Agriculture Subscription Services GMT20210421-162835_Recording

Community Supported Agriculture Subscription…

From  Diane Reinhold 1 plays 0  

Eat Fresh, Eat Local: Community Supported Agriculture Subscription Services

Eat Fresh, Eat Local: Community Supported…

From  Diane Reinhold 33 plays 0  

Healthy Eats for a Healthy Beat: Focus on Fiber

Focus on fiber to fight disease! We can all…

+3 More
From  Lisa Peterson 25 plays 0  

Healthy Eats for a Healthy Beat: Facts on Fats

Fats provide body fuel, help absorb some…

From  Lisa Peterson 42 plays 0  

Healthy Eats for a Healthy Beat: Scoop on Sodium

Do you or someone you care for have high blood…

+2 More
From  Lisa Peterson 37 plays 0  


This is a brief sample of what our unit…

From  Tim McNally 12 plays 0  

Eat Well Shop Smart Teaser Video for Unit 8

This is a marketing video created for the Healthy…

+6 More
From  Tim McNally 10 plays 0  

1. NEF Intro (small)

Introduction to Sustainable Systems (part 1 of 5)…

From  Stacia Nordin 2 plays 0  

Health at Home Holiday Edition: Making a List and Checking It Twice

Feeling overwhelmed with the holiday season? Take…

From  Diane Reinhold 20 plays 0  

Balancing Extra Calories through the Holidays

Is the Elf on the Shelf hiding extra calories in…

+2 More
From  Lisa Peterson 28 plays 0  

To Your Health!: Parsing Trustworthy Food Science and Nutrition Information

This is the video of the To Your Health: Parsing…

From  JJ Pionke 11 plays 0  

Dietary Defense: How nutrition Can Impact Immunity

COVID-19 has caused a sizeable increase to the…

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From  Chelsey Byers 35 plays 0  

Cancer Center at Illinois: October 2020 Faculty Seminar Series

Hosted in collaboration with the Big Ten Cancer…

+5 More
From  Jordan Goebig 181 plays 0  

2020 Managing Diabetes in a Modern World: Take the First Step

Take the First Step You’ve been diagnosed…

+3 More
From  Diane Reinhold 39 plays 0  

Get the Facts on Nutrition: Know your labels

+1 More
From  Chelsey Byers 65 plays 0  

Presentation_Inflammation and Arthritis: The Basics of Arthritis

Arthritis affects the lives of more than 54…

From  Diane Reinhold 115 plays 0  

Taste the Rainbow: A brief Overview of Carotenoids in Your Diet, Body, and Life

Nature and the foods we eat encompass a wide…

+2 More
From  Chelsey Byers 67 plays 0  

The role of Genetics/Epigenetics in the Relationship between Nutrition and Cognitive Aging

The genes you inherit influence almost every…

+2 More
From  Herbert Chavez Diaz 87 plays 0  

Health at Home: Cooking for One

Single-person households are on the rise and…

From  Lisa Peterson 51 plays 0  

Nutrition & Wellness into Adulthood

In this session, we will be addressing the…

+1 More
From  Chelsey Byers 48 plays 0